Professional contexts 2 – Marketing a photographic business

In this session, we talked about marketing an photographic business, starting with printed material which we are familiar with is business card, how to put your name out and we also looked at Guerrilla Marketing.


In fact, marketing is people by chatting and the process to give your name out, however, how we get recognizable by showing your works to various audience, this is the important for all people no matter what area they are engaging in. Take having exhibition for example, what you could do on limited time of exhibiting, which you could hold guest talk showing your works, also, leaving a list of content, like subscribing list for audience who might be interested in what you are doing or your previous works. Sending newsletter is a way to do but the downside is receiver might forget to take a look, moreover, traditional method, like post marketing would also be useful, even the hand writing could get people attract on you because your hand writing stands for you.


Regarding the Guerrilla Marking, Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results, because it is low cost which I think it would be suitable for people who just start their business.


Business card is still widely used nowadays I think, maybe I like physical stuff so it makes my view without any changes and sticking into the notion of useful way to introducing yourself as printed material, it is also easy to remember if the design is brilliant, it leads people to think you are professional, besides, gathering those business cards, which I think would be part of my inspiration from them possible, I am the person who always get innovative ideas by stuff around me, that’s why I would think of that. However, I would not consider to put an image on business card, it’s difficult to find an impressive image to represent me because I am so changeable and from my perspective each of my images, they are unique, speaking different narrative individually but sometimes they speak to each other in an odd way, probably this would not the proper way for me to do.


Thinking about who is my audience and future career, I want to work with magazine and advertising I would consider to get publisher’s attention, showing my works could sit in the published industry. Apart from that, I would also contact other people who engage in different working area which I believe I would get various thought from them, no matter it would feed into my personal work or commercial work, it is possible for me to get everything influenced and creating my own style. Guerrilla Marketing is the good way to sell myself, I would try when I start my business and because it is cheap, easy to get noticed I guess.


