Lens Hiring thought



In order getting Canon 35mm f/1.4 lens which my tutor suggested to support low light condition without flash and external light, I started to find photographic hire company who offer my needs. I put ‘Canon lens for hire’ on Google search, but it came out lots of results which I would take time to look through, then I changed the searching into ‘Canon 35mm f1.4 lens hire’ to make the result a bit more specific, Ending up 32 results which I assumed they have the lens and plus two websites I thought it would be useful if you want to hire equipment to your location near from you as well as the photographic stores with London area. Nevertheless, I would avoid any problems if hiring from private, and wasting time to go to London to get the rented equipment, so that’s not my concerns basically.






Some websites designed simple, showing equipment of categories below the heading title, also, you could put the name you want in search box. It depends on how they run their business, generally companies not only offering hire service but also providing a platform for training session, workshop and news for customers to look at.



In addition, an article saying the benefit of hiring lens and with some recommended companies, generally I agreed with what it said about, also, I think by renting kit, you would know how stuff treat their clients, secondly, it does save some money when you hire expensive kit if you just use them for a short-term period, it gives the chance to you to play with those techniques to comprehend if the photographic kit fits to yourself to make good photos. The last content which the article put extra reviews to help people to find their preferable rent companies.



The first company I looked at was LensforHire, which I guess they’ve got the widest range of lens you could find, but their deposit was terribly expensive for me as a student which hardly afford, so I took this as my last chosen unless I got nothing from other hire companies.


I knew Wex Rental because of their cooperated company – fixation, my wide-angle lens used to get stuck, then I sent it to Fixation to get it sorted, and my experience with them was nice, so I would consider their services.


LensPimp was my preferable on hire company chosen, they don’t require deposit unless some particular circumstance. And I could their hiring day rate was the cheapest so far compared to others I had found, so initially I was thinking to book the request but there was technical issue on booking system and it was closed time already, I sent an email to tell them the problem I had got and supposed would get their response after few days, as the result, L turned to use the service of Wex Rental, deposit was needed but I could collect myself without spending extra money on delivery fees. Surprisingly, I got the mail from LensPimp mentioned that the problem has been solved after sending boking with Wex Rental, which I was impressive how they work quite effectively.


Ending up getting hire experiences from both Wex Rental and LiensPimp, I think Canon users would like to choose LensPimp, they’ve got a range of Canon lens mainly, and they would make phone call and send email to remind you your stuff has been dispatched or the due to return, it’s funny when they phoned me, I was travelling which I was unable to catch because the poor signal. Moreover, I found that even I put the specific name on Google search, it would not totally come up what you want which causes you still need some time to narrow the result down and finding your needs.



Amateurphotographer. 2017. Kit hire: What you need to know about renting kit. [Online]. [20 March 2018]. Available from: http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/technique/expert_advice/kit-hire-renting-kit-109472#C5UWMoCZmxHqkw3Y99


Fatlamacom. 2018. Fatlamacom. [Online]. [20 March 2018]. Available from: https://fatlama.com/lp/london-camera-hire?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9-Dmw-Tz2QIVT7XtCh3UYwxFEAMYAiAAEgLOYfD_BwE


020couk. 2018. 020couk. [Online]. [20 March 2018]. Available from: http://www.020.co.uk/c/camera-lens-hire/london.shtml