Guest Lecture: Liz Orton


London College of Communication alumnus photographer Liz shared her experience of photographic images in this lecture.


She is fascinating with nature and species, the motivation of this was her partner who was doing image making and it directed her to look how this subject represents nature and its changing, moreover, Liz is interested in how the idea in a way which related to species, the physical organization of material, reflecting as a mirror. From her talk, it is easy to find the way she has done is all about her favourite theme – forest, furthermore, she had the issue when she was photographing forest and she didn’t know to finish it, even it was a single shot and later she said just taking away her thought and leaving the image.


I think Liz is a brilliant photographer, she deeply influenced by what she is fascinating with and she knows the material affects her subsequent projects. The reason I think there is a big connection and relationship between the subject Liz wants to photograph and her inspiration, such as species and forest, all about these are nature and they both have correlation. It is a pity I am not interested in this field but I know that no matter what you do, there is always some reasons and inspiration which become your motivation of what you anger to do.



Liz Orton, (1979), Cortaderia selloana, Poaceae 7km o trevo de accesso a curitibanos, Santa Catarina, Brazil, [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2017].